Make sure your Life Insurance is in force when it's needed while paying the minimum cost for it over the long term - guaranteed


The TRUTH about Life Insurance premiums

If you’re between the ages of 35-50 …

and in good health you can expect Life Insurers to be about falling over themselves to get your business and sell you a ‘policy’.

Just go into any financial institution, turn on the TV or radio or log in to an internet web site and you’ll be besieged with incentives like ‘guaranteed lowest premiums’, 'discounts', 'refunds' or 'freebies' to encourage you to sign up right away.

But after the age of 50, all that changes …

and it’s likely the ‘trap’s already ‘got’ you.

Any person over age 50 who either already has or is looking to start a new Life Insurance policy quickly finds out the 'honeymoon' is over.

And the REAL cost of those 'freebies' becomes clear.

Be prepared to be SHOCKED by the difference...


See how buying the cheapest or lowest cost Life Insurance can be one of the most expensive long-term traps anyone can fall into

Welcome to the
Life Insurance Premium Trap
which nearly everybody who
buys Life Insurance falls into

and by the time they
realise what’s happened
there’s usually
no way out.

Go to the EZiCalculator to see if YOU can still avoid the Life Insurance Premium Trap


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DISCLAIMER This website provides information of a GENERAL nature only No recommendation is made about the suitability of any of the insurance products described here to your own situation or needs You should obtain and consider the relevant 'Product Disclosure Statement' or policy wording for a financial product before making any decision about whether to acquire that product Download your Synchron Financial Service Guide HERE